Johannes Arolt studied architecture at the UdK Berlin, the ETH Zürich and the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Copenhagen graduating in 2015 with distinction. During his studies he received several grants from the DAAD, the Margot und Paul Baumgarten-Stiftung and others. While working for different offices he started developing his own projects in 2017.
As a student he taught 2nd-year design-courses with Prof. Jean-Philippe Vassal and since 2020 teaches as an assistant at the Institute of Architectural Design at Leibniz University Hannover.
2021- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Entwerfen und Gebäudelehre
2020-22 Lorenzen Mayer, Berlin/Kopenhagen
2018-19 Trutz von Stuckrad Penner, Berlin
2017- Johannes Arolt Architekt, Berlin
2016-17 Modersohn & Freiesleben, Berlin
2015 Diplom an der UdK Berlin
2014 Éric Lappiere, Paris
Studium in Berlin, Zürich und Kopenhagen